Terms of Use

By using Lexxe, one accepts the "Terms of Use" available on Lexxe's home page.

Due to the nature of a search engine, which returns results from websites on the Internet and/or through algorithm inferences, Lexxe will not be responsible for the accuracy, integrity, suitability, changefulness and timeliness of the information that does not belong to Lexxe. Users should judge on the information and be responsible for their own use of the information found by Lexxe.

Likewise, Lexxe does not accept any responsibility nor any warrant for the links to the websites outside Lexxe's domain.


Lexxe reserves all rights to Lexxe's entire website and its search engine. No one is allowed to reproduce, copy, distribute, transmit and store any part of the site and use Lexxe search engine non-manually in any form for any purpose, except for individual users' limited printouts and storage of Lexxe's contents on the website for their own private use. Otherwise, written permission should be sought from Lexxe first.