About Lexxe

Sentiment search is a new feature in Lexxe Search Engine. It calculates the sentiment score of the keyword in the context using syntactic and semantic methods. Each webpage will be given a sentiment score of that keyword. An aggregated sentiment score will also be delivered from all the scores in individual pages.

Sentiment Search Options:

There are some "sentiment search" options under the search query slot:
1) "No Sentiment" means no sentiment is calculated, just like an ordinary search engine.
2) "All Sentiment" means all sentiments, i.e. positive, negative and neutral. The ranking of the results will be based on keyword relevance to each text.
3) "Positive" means all results are positive and they are ranked from most positive to least positive.
4) "Negative" means all results are negative and they are ranked from most negative to least negative.
5) "Neutral" means all the results are neutral.
6) "Comparison" means you can enter up to four items of keywords, each separated by a comma:
     e.g. Intel, Apple, Motorola, Cisco
     This option is for Web and News search only.

Category Options:

There are 13 individual categories in News and Sindex. And there is an "All" option in Category putting all categories together. A sentiment score is associated with each category showing the sentiment scores of all the articles in that category.
Categories offer a way to narrow down information into specific domains.
Category Option is for News and Sindex only

Sort Options:

Sort options help display the results in customized ways.
1) "Relevance" means keyword's relevance to the text, from most relevant to least relevant. This option is for Web and News search only.
2) "Score (high to low)" means sentiment score from highest to lowest. This option is for Web and News search only.
3) "Score (low to high)" means sentiment score from lowest to highest. This option is for Web and News search only.
4) "Date (new to old)" means date from newest to oldest for News search and Sindex only.
5) "Date (old to new)" means date from oldest to newest for News search and Sindex only.

Time Range Options:

This is for News search and Sindex only.
1) Past 1 hour
2) Past 24 hours
3) Past 1 week
4) Past 1 month
5) Past 1 year
6) Custom range

Edition Option:

You can select a country for the news edition. It means the news layout will be centered around the country of your preference. News from other countries will also be present though. The edition option is for News and Sindex only.

Source Option:

You can select news from a specific country only. Or you can select news from a specific website only. This source option is for News and Sindex only and is for paid customers only.

Categorised/Uncategorised Option:

You can choose "Categorized", which means all news are arranged in categories, but "uncategorized" means all news are arranged according to the "Sort Option", e.g. data, sentiment score and relevance. By default, "Uncategorised" is sorted by relevance. Categories will still be marked for each news under "Uncategorised" option. Categorised/Uncategorised Option is for News only.

How to delete my third-party data:

For Facebook users, please go to Facebook webpage, login your account. Then go to your Facebook profile page. Follow the path: Settings & Privacy > Settings > Apps and Websites and click the Send Request button.
the other websites have a similar way.